River Valley AMS / Church Consultant
Dr. Bruce Cannon
River Valley Baptist Association
Northwest Arizona/ Eastern California
Dr. Bruce Cannon, Director
928.715.9063 (cell)
RVBA Pastor Partnership
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9,10 (NIV)
Two ideas motivate me in this work. First, there is always too much work for pastors. When there’s a team, even if it’s just two, greater return for the kingdom is dramatically increased. I want to be that support for pastors when needed. Second, pastoring can be lonely, frustrating, and discouraging. Pastors need a friend, sometimes outside their congregation. I care. I want to be a friend in tough times. Whatever the circumstance, my door is open, my phone is on, my car is gassed.
Personal Journey
I placed my faith in Christ as an eight-year-old in Montana. We soon moved to Alaska where I spent my pre-teen and teen years. I came to the RVMN from Montana after church starting and pastoring for nearly 20 years, and leading Yellowstone Christian College as their President for more than seven years. My education background includes a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies, Master’s degrees in Divinity and Education, and a Doctorate in Education. I am thrilled to make our home in Kingman.
I married Sue 38 years ago; we have two adult sons and five grandchildren. Sue served in Yemen as an IMB Journeyman prior to our marriage. She shuns the limelight, choosing to serve as a ladies Bible study leader or in the church nursery. Sue is not currently employed as an R.N.; however, she loves to volunteer at a local hospital as a wheelchair pusher and preemie-baby cuddler.
Ministry Experience
I served four churches in various staff positions during college and seminary. My church starting experience (NAMB) in Missoula, Montana was my first pastorate. The church began with four adults. We also served a Billings, Montana, church for eight years and enjoyed three interim pastorates.
I love the association of churches, having served as the Glacier Association (MTSBC) Moderator for several terms, as well as the MTSBC Pastor’s Conference President for three terms. I am a huge believer in pastoral comradery.
Sue and I also served with the IMB in Jordan and Syria. I led the decentralized theological education program for pastors and lay leaders in Syria, traveling the country teaching small pockets of Christians. We returned as self-funded workers to Jordan several years later. I taught honors-history in a 1,200-student Christian Arab school and was the interim headmaster of an international K-12 school.
Excitement to Partner with RVBA
I am an encourager, visionary, and mentor. I am the eternal optimist. I thrive on all-things leadership. I love humor. I can’t tell jokes well; however, here is one of my favorites. Two kids walk into a barn filled with horse manure. The first says, “Crud! Look at all this mess I have to clean up!” The second says, “YESSS! My new horse has to be in here somewhere!” I am that second kid – I see the possibilities in most every situation.
Whatever I can do to help the pastors and churches of our network, I am ready. I love brainstorming, finding practical solutions, trying new methods, and providing encouragement. I have an open-door policy; come by or call any time. In the meantime, I am on the road regularly visiting with our pastors, often over a meal or a cup of overpriced, foreign-sounding coffee. My treat. (Well okay, maybe it’s the Network budget.)
Missional Resource Team (MRT)
The Missional Resource Team is the executive Branch of RVBA that decides on the allocation of funds.
Ted Finkbeiner - Bouse Southern Baptist Church
George Lyman - Desert Shores Community Baptist Church
Bob Price - Golden Shores Community Baptist Church
Glenn Swarthout - Big River Baptist Church
Curtis O'Brien - Meadview Baptist Church
Jorge Moreira - Iglesia Bautista Rios en el Desierto
Administrative Assistant
Alexandra (Lexi) Sheldon
Lexi works with River Valley Mission Network alongside Kingman First SBC as the Administrative Assistant. She has six years' experience working with churches handling everything from bookkeeping, website design, content writing, and communication.
She is a proud wife and happy mother of two, enjoys writing young adult fantasy novels, and is active in several of her church's ministries including Praise Team.